Work with Us

If you are willing to make a difference!

Join us at the forefront of innovation where artificial intelligence meets social impact, transforming lives and communities for the better, every single day

Open Positions

Data Science Intern
Send us your CV and a cover letter at [email protected] before 30-07-2024
Senior ML Engineer
Send us your CV and a cover letter at [email protected] before 30-07-2024
Digital Marketing Intern
Send us your CV and a cover letter at [email protected] before 20-07-2024

Or apply on LinkedIn at:
SOON: Cloud Architect
More details will be available soon
SOON: AI Research Scientist
More details will be available soon
SOON: Full Stack Developer
More details will be available soon
Get in touch
We believe in the power of potential and are always eager to meet those who share our vision for a better future. Feel free to send us your CV and express your interest at any time; we welcome applications even when specific openings are not listed, as we're constantly on the lookout for exceptional talent to join our journey. Get in touch at [email protected]

Why Choose Us?

  • Human Centric Business

  • Competitive Work

  • Balanced Work Environment

  • Decision Making

  • Innovative Tech at Hand

  • Blog Sharing

  • Support with Trainings

  • Entertainment & Effectiveness

  • Guidance and Mentoring