Project Overview
SocialLab, in collaboration with a leading laboratory corporation in Europe, SYNLAB, developed a robust AI system to support medical diagnostics in clinics and labs. The project serves as an asset for existing labs and clinics by supporting the decision-making process of physicians and clinical medical doctors. The product is currently being integrated and tested in many EU countries and licensed under the EU medical certification programs.
Key Features
- Rule Based Model: sophisticated rule based model for the medical knowledge
- Machine Learning: machine learning models system with ML ops environment for validation
- Cloud Solution: optimized cloud solution for data and solution integration and communication
- Dashboards: interactive enhanced visual solution for ML and Data exploration and accuracy validation
- FeedBack System: integrated feedback system for ML and Medical practice among different technologies and departments
The technology stack for this project includes:
- Machine Learning including ML-Ops and Research
- Cloud Technologis and Services including security
- Busines Intelligence (BI) solutions
- API Integrations
For over three years, SocialLab worked as an AI serivce provider with SYNLAB where we provided techincal services including:
- AI consultation and visions
- AI strategic planning
- Machine Learning research and operations
- Machine Learning implementation and validation
- Digital Startegies for Cloud services
- Product design and achitecture services
- Data Science and Data Engineering services
- Business Intelligence (BI) services (dashboards)
- Integration services (integration with exisiting solutions)
- Documentation and support services
- ..etc
Activities with SYNLAB are under private and cannot be shared online, they are under the intellectual property of SYNLAB exclusively.
More Information
Department: SocialLab Innovation Factory, SocialLab Academy